
Leak Test Training Services

For more than 25 years, Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. (LTS) has been a leader in providing leak test training, qualification, and certification services.

The ongoing improvement in SNT-TC-1A, CP-189, and CP-105 compliant Level I & II classroom training for technicians who must qualify and certify in SNT-TC-1A compliant programs remains a major product line at LTS. The personnel who complete these LTS® training courses are not only able to pass the examinations but they also typically return to their work assignments with enthusiasm for leak testing and new insights into more reliable and efficient techniques for effective leak testing operations.

LTS offers two training paths for personnel who are preparing for the ASNT NDT Level III examination. The “First Time Pass” rate for personnel who have completed this training has been remarkable.

ASNT Training | Level I, II & III | NDT Training Course

NDT training courses commonly used toward qualification and certification of personnel include the following:

Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing Level I/II

A 40-hour course designed for personnel who perform helium mass spectrometer leak testing. This course covers the course material described in the Level I and II Leak Testing Training Outlines contained in ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-lA, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing, ANSI/ ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing. Emphasis is placed on providing test demonstrations to solidify the technical concepts discussed.

Price per student: $2,875

Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing Laboratory "Hands On" Course

Completion of the LTS MSLT Level I/II 40 hour training course will be a prerequisite.

In this course, the student will learn through demonstrations and then executing various leak testing techniques. The object of this course is to put into practice concepts taught during the MSLT Level I/II course to better understand reliable, efficient helium MSLT techniques. Students will have the chance to:

  • Operate a variety of Mass Spectrometer Leak Detectors and receive instruction on tuning, calibration and maintenance.
  • Learning the fittings and hardware for leak testing manifolds (including uses of different types pumps like turbo-molecular, dry scroll, etc.)
  • Pre-testing checks to ensure test reliability (e.g., leak checking manifolds, helium verification, pressure relief devices)
  • Performing a variety of helium mass spectrometer techniques including hood technique, evacuated envelope, bell jar, tracer probe and detector probe.
  • Qualifying various techniques through use of system calibrations
  • Effective ways of introducing helium into testing including hood building methods
  • Industry specific techniques for gloveboxes, Type B cask closures, heat exchangers, etc.

This course is aimed at the student pursuing certification who has completed the initial 40 hour introduction leak testing course in each of the applicable methods. Personnel who supervise leak testing technicians will also benefit from this course in order to better understand the leak testing process.

Pressure Change Measurement Testing Level l/II

A 40-hour course for Leak Test personnel who perform pressure change/measurement leak testing. This course covers the course material described in the Level I and II Leak Testing Training Outlines contained in ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-lA, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing, ANSl/ASNT CP-189, Standard for Qualification and Certification of NDT Testing Personnel, and ANSI/ ASNT CP-105, Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of NDT Personnel. Emphasis is placed on providing test demonstrations to solidify the technical concepts discussed.

Price per student: $3,625

Pressure Change Measurement Testing Laboratory "Hands On" Course

Completion of the LTS PCMT Level I/II 40 hour training course will be a prerequisite

In this course, the student will learn through demonstrations and then executing various pressure change leak testing techniques. The object of this course is to put into practice concepts taught during the PCMT Level I/II course to better understand reliable, efficient PCMT techniques. Students will have the chance to:

  • Operate a variety of Test Equipment including various high resolution pressure gauges, thermometers, reference volumes and receive instruction on effectively using these instruments.
  • Learning the fittings and hardware for leak testing manifolds (including uses of different types pumps like venturi, air compressors with filtering, tanks and roughing vacuum pumps)
  • Pre-testing checks to ensure test reliability (e.g., leak checking manifolds, selecting proper test environment, installing insulation, proper pressure relief device setting and operation)
  • Performing a variety of pressure change measurement techniques including pressure decay, rate of rise, pressure change absolute, pressure change calibrated leak technique, automatic PCMT testing (suitcase units) and glovebox PCMT.
  • Qualifying various techniques through use of system calibrations
  • Use of various tracer gases and environmental effects
  • Industry specific techniques for gloveboxes and Type B cask closures, etc.

This course is aimed at the student pursuing certification who has completed the initial 40 hour introduction leak testing course in the applicable methods. Personnel who supervise leak testing technicians will also benefit from this course in order to better understand the leak testing process.

Bubble Testing Level I/II

This 6-hour course is for Leak Test personnel who perform immersion, direct pressure film solution, or vacuum box bubble leak testing requiring Level II qualification. This course covers the materials described in the Level I and II Leak Testing Training Outlines contained in ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing, ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel, and ANSI/ASNT CP-105, Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of NDT Personnel.

Please contact us for scheduling and pricing of this course.

Register for Online Bubble Testing Level I/II Course

Bubble Testing Level I/II Add-On Course

A 3-hour add-on elective course for Leak Test personnel who perform immersion, direct pressure film solution, or vacuum box bubble leak testing requiring Level II qualification. When taken in combination with either the MSLT Level I/II, PCMT Level I/II, or HLT Level I/II, this course covers the 6-hour course materials described in the Level I and II Leak Testing Training Outlines contained in ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing, ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel, and ANSI/ASNT CP-105, Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of NDT Personnel.

Price per student: $500

Combined PCMT Level I/II - BT - Level III Prep

MSLT Level I/II is a prerequisite to this week-long course.

When taken together with the MSLT Level I/II course, it is designed to provide the SNT-TC-1A and CP-189 required classroom hours for Level II in PCMT and BT, along with a Level III preparatory review of other leak testing methods. This combination course set has proven to be a very effective means of preparing for the ASNT Level III Method Examination. This combination achieves a substantial savings in tuition, travel expense, and schedule when compared to taking each course separately. Emphasis is placed on providing test demonstrations to solidify the technical concepts discussed.

Price per student: $3,625

Leak Testing Level III Refresher-Review Course

Please call the office for dates and details.

An intensive 32-hour course for experienced Leak Test personnel and Level II personnel who are preparing for Level III qualification. This course includes problem-solving, leak test methods review, and significant “lessons learned” discussions. Students are not only “prepped” for Level III written examinations, but are also prepared to direct and manage a successful leak testing program.

Price per student: $5,175

Professional Development Courses include the following:

Leak Testing for Engineers

A 32-hour course for engineers that prepares Leak Test specifications and procedures, including LT methodologies, design consideration, calibration, and specification requirements. The presentation of the course and the specific applications discussed are typically adjusted to meet the specific industry and products that are relevant to course participants, for example, a focus on Radioactive Material Transportation Packages, ANSI N14.5, AGS Gloveboxes, or other specific industries and product lines. This course may have the highest profitability multiplier of any of our courses. Clients have reported that implementation of the lessons from this course generates significant savings in the designs and process plans for products.

Price per student: $3,625

Leak Testing for Auditor, Inspector, and Estimator

These courses are frequently targeted at specific industries or products. Two examples listed below are the Leak Testing for Auditors and Inspectors of Radioactive Material Packages for Transportation and Storage course, and the Leak Testing for Auditors, Project Managers, and Estimators with a focus on Working with AGS Standards course.

Leak Testing for Auditors and Inspectors of Radioactive Material Packages for Transportation and Storage

This 32-hour course is designed for individuals with responsibilities of auditing, oversight, procurement, or engineering specifications for the leak testing of radioactive materials packaging. Topics include: leak testing fundamentals/background information; an overview of leak testing methods/techniques and their advantages and disadvantages as they apply to radioactive material packages; ANSI N14.5 and other useful codes, standards, and published resources; design details with significant impact for the reliability of leak testing; hallmarks of high-reliability leak testing programs; keys to effective inspection oversight; key elements of leak testing procedures and qualifying leak testing procedures; qualifying leak testing personnel; lessons learned; practical examples; and hands-on exercises with a few key leak testing techniques. Companies or agencies sending more than five (5) candidates to a course section are eligible for a substantial discount for the sixth and following candidates.

Price per student: $3,625

Leak Testing for Auditors, Project Managers, and Estimators with a Focus on Working with AGS Standards

A 32-hour course in the leak testing of gloveboxes and American Glovebox Society standards as they apply to leak testing. The course includes leak testing methods, techniques, and the comparative advantages and disadvantages in specialized applications that relate to gloveboxes. The course will also present practices and principles that have historically characterized effective glovebox leak testing programs.

Price per student: $3,625

LTS can also design leak testing courses that are focused on a specific industry, application, or personnel roles.

LTS offers courses at our training center in Orlando, Florida, or at the client’s site. There are competing advantages to each location.

Register for Classes

For more information on our NDT training courses, please contact us at or 407-737-6415.

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